Articles in tag:- physicians
Dear Physicians for Patient Protection
Posted on 18th Apr 2022 18:42:19 in Media Release
Tagged as: physicians, patient protection, pas, nps, mississippi, primary care, unnecessary imaging,
PAs for Tomorrow (PAFT) would like to respond to the article, “A Study in Mississippi Concludes that Non-Physician Care Costs More” (6 Apr 22), written and published online (Link to article) by Physicians for Patient Protection regarding PAs and NPs contributing to higher patient care costs.
A Call for a National Academy of Medicine Study:
Posted on 21st Feb 2022 00:53:11 in Technical Tutorial
Tagged as: primary care medicine, physician assistant, nursing groups, aapa, california acep, physicians, obama care, ama,
We realize that on the surface it appears that we are responding to the recent AMA campaign against PAs; be assured that PAFT has been working on this proposal for several weeks.