Articles in tag:- pas
Dear Physicians for Patient Protection
Posted on 18th Apr 2022 18:42:19 in Media Release
Tagged as: physicians, patient protection, pas, nps, mississippi, primary care, unnecessary imaging,
PAs for Tomorrow (PAFT) would like to respond to the article, “A Study in Mississippi Concludes that Non-Physician Care Costs More” (6 Apr 22), written and published online (Link to article) by Physicians for Patient Protection regarding PAs and NPs contributing to higher patient care costs.
Statement on Doctorate as PA Terminal Degree
Posted on 10th Mar 2022 21:12:20 in Technical Tutorial
Tagged as: doctorate, pas, physician assistants, terminal degree,
PAs for Tomorrow recognizes that in the United States, a degree is used to evaluate and measure many different things.
PAs are a logical answer to America’s primary care crisis.
Posted on 23rd Feb 2022 04:03:38 in Physician Assistants
Tagged as: physician assistant, primary care, pa profession, pas for tomorrow, advocate, americas primary care crisis, paft, practice autonomy, education, tuition reimbursement,
PAs for Tomorrow (PAFT) believes that PAs are a logical answer to America’s primary care crisis. PAFT also believes that the opportunities for PAs as primary care providers are vast and immediately accessible.